How to write a online successful business blog

How to start a blog in easy steps

Learn in this article how to start a blog easily


Hello dear friends I am glad to welcome you today we can talk about how to start a blog in a few steps

How to write a successful blog about your business online is a frequently asked question on various forums and
on Google. So take your time, read and learn how to start blogging easily. It is possible to!

Writing a blog can be a big problem or we can say a challenge for anyone who is new to writing and doesn’t have one
talent for content creation, i.e. writing blogs. However, like any business, blogging can be done
by learning. It certainly requires great will, desire, persistence, and willingness to spend many hours at the computer.

If you are one of those people who think that blogging is an easy job and you can only do it on the way,
you can, but it won’t bring you an income you can live o

If you decide to write blogs and want to make a living from them, then you will have to put in a lot of effort,
and that implies that you spend a long time researching, studying, reading, writing, and often falling asleep next to the computer. However,
when you love what you do, all these stages will not be difficult for you and will bring you income at the same time.

It’s not hard and it’s not impossible to master, but like anything you want to do well, it takes time.

How to build a successful online business

The first step is an idea

As someone who has been blogging for many years, I must say that everything starts with an idea! The birth of the idea to deal with
creating content is the beginning of everything. Only after the idea do you start researching where to write, to whom to write,
what topic should be answered, and what is it that people have not had the opportunity to hear until now
adequate answer.

So, we came up with an idea, we want to write, and now what? How to write a successful business blog for

How easy to start blogging and on which platform?

The new modern age brings many possibilities, and therefore the number of platforms on which you can write
a large. Certainly, one of the simplest, on which you can easily set up your blog, is WordPress. Sincerely
, I don’t believe you are new to WordPress by now and need further clarification.

My number one 1 recommendation is the Wealthy Affiliate platform. Here you also do everything on word press, but here you have hosting and full training and support 24/7, I have been on this platform for several years and I have not found anything better than this amazing platform.

For those who
they don’t know, it’s simple to explain that you always need a plot (hosting) on which to build your own
house (domain).

Which hosting provider you choose is your choice. Google can certainly help you choose.
See the offer, and compare service and prices. Our recommendation is definitely to ask a little about
technical support. This is very important when choosing a provider. There are fantastic ones, those who are ready to
help you 24/7, to those whose phone should ring and never answer.

You’re not a developer and you’re not a web designer, there’s no need to be shy about asking for tech support!
After all, that’s their job! And trust me, you’ll need it, so it’s best to take a look first
at what kind of technical support they have, and then the offer and prices.

Topic and keywords or phrases

Everyone is always at a loss as to what to write about. The first thought is that it must be interesting, and then
ask yourself if you are interesting enough, that is, if you can write interestingly. A million some
questions then run through their heads and I’m sure many decide to give up at this stage.

Reading many
other blogs by “smart bloggers” on how to write a successful business blog, you come to the conclusion that
you should give up because it’s too hard. If you give up then it’s really a failure. However, if
decide to write a blog, whatever it is, it cannot be said to be a failure.

I’ll let you in on a little secret

How, for example, to write a successful business blog? Learn how to start blogging easily!

I always start by first determining the keywords and topic. To do it right, I use Jaxxy as a keyword tool. Over half a million new searches per day are done on Google, to put it mildly, by keywords and it would be too difficult to research on your own.

That’s why this tool is great for helping. Cheers and
its free version gives you the ability to gain insight. You will be able to see the keywords that are relevant to your
requirements, the average number of monthly searches, keyword quality indicators, the number of competing sites
for that keyword, etc. We recommend you take a look.

Keyword Tools

You can also use some other tools for keyword research. Many tools give it to you for free
a certain number of results, some are completely paid and some are completely free.

In any case, determining keywords is important. The research itself sometimes takes a long time, but it can also be
interesting. These are the words that search engine users, and hopefully, your future customers, type when they come to
your site or your competitor’s site.

Don’t think it’s always just one word. It’s also about phrases.
Phrases include 3-5 words. More often than not, people type phrases like how to write a successful business blog
than writing blog.

Some well-known tools that you can explore include SEMRush which is a very comprehensive and quality tool.
It is very popular. Then Google Keyword Planner which is free and very easy to learn for beginners.
Google Trends
is also very useful because it tracks the popularity of keywords, and anyone involved in sales at all
knows that certain keywords are not searched equally throughout the year.

How to write a successful business blog if we don’t know who we are blogging for?

It is always necessary to determine who you are writing for, to who you have dedicated your blog, and who these people are
generally interested in the topic you are dealing with. Imagine them! If you still can’t
visualize, go to one of the sites that give you free photos and download pictures of people who are yours
The target group.

For example, if you are writing about business and you have decided to write about how to get your first job after
high school, then you roughly know that the people you are addressing are between 18-23, male and female
half. Find photos of those people, different types of people who belong to that category and it will be easier for you to
also design the way you want to address them.

How long should the article be?

There are certain rules, but they should not be blindly followed. People today when they talk about writing blogs
they always stick to a minimum of three hundred words because that’s what Yoast expects from them, and on the other hand, they speak
about fifteen hundred words because that’s how Google likes it.

So how do you decide how many words an article must have?

Focus on the blog, and keep your topic interesting. If you decided to write on a topic that has
the task to answer certain problems, then devote yourself to it as much as possible and explain in detail
the problem, research and write about all the possible solutions and you will give people a detailed answer.
In fact, people will get a comprehensive answer from you, in your blog, and they won’t have to do any research
further. Read more

That’s the point, not the number of words. However, if you look at the situation realistically, a detailed treatment of any
topic won’t exactly result in a hundred-word article. Get your blog writing done professionally, even though you are
a beginner because it will be worth it.

How can my blog have value?

Write for the people

Don’t write for Google. This is the key to the success of successful blogs. Write for the people. Think carefully about
the people your article is intended for.

What is it that interests them, use their terminology
known to make it easier to read your blogs. Take the time to find something interesting that will work
to surprise connoisseurs. Answer the question or the topic you are writing about.

And what is very important!

Don’t underestimate the value of good content at all because that’s how your blog will have value!

Why should I link and what do I get out of it?
Link and link!

Everything you write, and you are a beginner, in order for someone to believe in it, it must be supported by a good, more well-known
source. So, don’t go with the logic that you don’t have anything from that link. On the contrary, the links will give you
added value and credibility to the blog.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to copy/paste! By no means! Respect other people’s work and copyright!

After all, it is easy to discover! THEFT IS NOT ALLOWED!

We recommend that you post both internal and external links.

In the end, there is always a new beginning

In the end, when you have done everything right, you are free to leave it to Google and other search engines
to evaluate your article without fear that it is not good or that it is plagiarized.

Of course, you can also promote your article through social networks. If you already have Facebook
a page dedicated to blogging or the business you wrote about, you can freely place the article link in
the description of the Facebook post.

That way, your social media followers will have the opportunity to read about the topic
in which they are interested. You can do it.

For example like this How to treat sun allergy naturally 

to increase the visibility
of your article, so that even people who don’t follow you on Facebook can see the article. That’s how you will bring
people to your website to read some of the other blogs you’ve written about. Now, how many people will see you’re article, if you promote it, certainly depends on money, that is. from the budget that you set aside for
the promotion of the same. Read more

I hope I made it a lot easier for you and gave you a solution on how to write a successful blog
about the business, you are engaged in

Remember to always:

 1. You write for people
2. Choose keywords and topics carefully
3. You respect the rules
4. You choose nice photos that will follow the theme and visually enhance your blog and often something
explain further.
5. Be unique and create unique content because copying can only get you fined
6. Do not copy the content under any circumstances

And, when you finish your article, regardless of whether you wrote a blog on the topic of how to keep diabetes under
control or how to write a successful business blog or something else entirely, know that in the end, it is always new
the beginning…some new topic and some new readers who will Know how to appreciate your effort and work.

Надам се да вам се допао овај мали чланак и да је неко успео да пронађе решење за оно што тражи. Ако неко жели да ме контактира, може ми оставити коментар, а ја ћу се потрудити да одговорим у најкраћем могућем року. Желим ти успех и добро здравље 🙂 Звеки…

8 thoughts on “How to write a online successful business blog”

  1. Hey there! I love your guide on how to write a successful online blog. Nowadays, it is easier than ever to start a blog. That is two folded. As it allows more blogs to be out there, the quality won’t be always there. On the other side, when one has a platform that teaches him the skill ( I like your recommendation very much) and motivation to HELP OTHERS, it is easier to make it happen like 20 years ago. At the same time, it is safe to say, when writing a blog we have to write for people and not for Google, you said it perfectly and I agree 100%. Also, don’t copy other people’s work is very important. Finding your own writing identity isn’t always easy, but the reward is there, just to be patient. I am happy, you enlightened this topic and people will realize, that writing a blog isn’t easy and it REQUIRES A WORK. Cheers

    • Of course, we have to write unique content and offer people the right solution for what they are looking for. Google will reward us with time if we do everything legitimately and dedicatedly. You have everything step by step on how you can be successful in online business. Thank you for your comment and I wish you success and good health.

  2. This article describes a lot of things on how we can all get into and start blogging. It was a challenge for me as well, but once I started, I couldn’t stop. Let’s not forget to consider using platforms to learn tips and tricks from experts. Thank you for this post.

    • Yes, of course, my number 1 recommendation is the platform Wealthy Affiliate where we have complete training 24/7 and of course the support of many experts on how to be successful in online business, but of course, if we work dedicatedly we will quickly see positive results. Thank you for your comment and I wish you success and health.

  3. This article has helped me so much and gave us more information then other websites like this. We are following the steps to achieve on how to write a online successful business blog.
    One of the best blogs that we have seen in awhile.


    • Of course, you have everything you need to gradually start a successful online business. I will try to cover some more important facts in the following articles, but I am glad that this article helped you, and only if you are dedicated and persistent you will succeed for sure. Thank you for your comment and I wish you good health.

  4. Hey,

    A great article to help people in starting their own blog and how they could turn their blog into a real business.

    I already have a blog but I’m not too sure on how to make it a real business that I could do full time. IS this something you could help me with?

    I love coming to your site to learn so please keep up the great articles and inspiring us to be more.

    All the best,


    • Yes, of course, I agree you have everything in my articles step by step on how you can start your blog and become successful in online business thank you for your comment and I wish you success and good health I am here for you feel free to contact me ask anything you want.


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