Advertising sites online

Advertise my website online

Advertise online

Greetings dear friends I am glad to welcome you 🙂

Advertising a website online is essential today. However, many people still do not understand the significance
of website advertising and think that having a website is enough. How to earn money while you sleep

Circumstances, novelties, and technology that advance day by day have made this new digital age ours
it provides a lot but also expects a lot from us.

In the past, one store owner, regardless of the store’s opening hours, could work for eight hours
a day, forty hours a week, rest on the weekends, and calmly support his family from that job.

Today it is no longer possible!

Competition is to blame for everything!

Competition is a fight between bidders (producers), a kind of competition to see who will win the bigger share
markets and, of course, make a bigger profit in the end.

In view of the competition, which is becoming more numerous and stronger every day, which is progressing and introducing novelties
wants to stand out, we have to do that too. Otherwise, we will be run over. If we want to do business
as it should be, and this means that our work brings us a profit and at the same time we provide quality products to our customer’s
customers, we ourselves must often invest in production, progress, marketing, and everything that can make us
better than the same competition.

Create a website and make money online

Create a website and start conquering the market!

One of the ways to stand out from the competition and start conquering the internet market is
website development.

The first step, and also your first cost, is the purchase of hosting and a domain for your website. When you decide who you’re going to
buy hosting, you should approach choosing a domain. If you already own a physical store (company)
then of course you should stick to the existing name so that your customers are not in a dilemma as to whether it is o
you or another manufacturer. Creat best landing page

As for the type of site, you will have a choice and it all depends on your desire and how much money you can spare for

the website. WordPress sites are very popular today and according to some research from 2021 WordPress,

it powers about 37% of the websites on the internet.

It is not enough that the site just “stands”

The website is primarily your internet presentation and as such already contributes, ie. gives a certain
seriousness to your business.

It is unacceptable to have a company today without having a website.

Think and start from yourself, if you need a product, you will first search for it on Google.
It’s simple, you may need perfume but you don’t know where to buy it or in which store
he has it. Google will definitely help you because as a result, you will get websites of companies that have the perfume
that you are looking for.

We often need a product that we haven’t bought before. In that case, we need a name
of a company that produces a certain product, and considering that we have not bought and used the same product so far, it will also mean to us
additional information we find on the site about the product we are interested in.

Therefore, in order for the site to give your users a complete user experience, the content on the site must be
high quality, well thought out marketing, and answers all the questions you might have
for future customer/user
. What is important to know is that even such quality content can set you apart from others
competition and that’s why you should make an effort.

However, people usually don’t get the point. Google is your friend, but the existence of your site is not

So your task is to design advertising sites online make it or pay someone to make it right
for you. My recommendation is definitely to leave that work to the professionals because you are beginner
mistakes would not cost much more. However, if you want to do it yourself, then it is best to find
some good education (course/school) with which you will learn and master how to do it. It is certainly a choice
of yours. Why a logo is important

When it comes to advertising a website online, it is no longer your choice. Website advertising is online
“Must have”.
You need to find people who will visit your site, bring them to the site, and provide them with content that
will read to stick with it longer and eventually convert them into customers.

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Advertising your website online

Advertising your website online through social networks is a great solution to bring people to your site

Social networks like Facebook and Instagram give you the ability to find people who are
interested in yours and products like yours.

Today, many say that Facebook has failed and they base their businesses only on Instagram. However, that
is a mistake. Digital marketing means bringing people to your website through all available channels. Therefore,
don’t underestimate the power of any network, especially Facebook.

How does this website advertising through social networks work?

Create pages on social networks. Manage pages so that your followers are always
promptly informed about the offer, current promotions, and benefits. Insert content that will them
motivate, make them laugh, or discover something new for them. It will definitely be more reason to follow you with

At the same time, you will be able to use these pages to advertise your site, that is, to reach
new people who don’t follow you. Social networks give you the opportunity to increase the visibility of the posts
that you publish (boost posts) and it is the simplest form of advertising on networks. We do though
recommend the campaign
as a more serious form of advertising.

If you try a little harder, you can learn by yourself or hire professionals who can design and
make very good advertising campaigns
. Depending on the strategy you come up with, which can be done
differently for each business, you can reach the customers you need, i.e. users of the service you offer.

One of the recommended goals to bring people to your site is “website traffic”. That means
anyone who sees your ad and clicks on it will have the opportunity to go to your site or to the precise
specific landing page.

This is certainly not to be taken lightly. The advertisement must have both good content and a good visual that will attract
. At the same time, it must have a clearly defined call to action so that it is clear to everyone what action we expect them to take
undertake. Therefore, whether you will make a good visit to the site depends very much on the advertisement. The advertisement is the one
it must attract attention because the fact is that you are not the only one advertising.

How do attract attention?

It is very important that the text of the advertisement is not written in a confusing way so that it is not suspected that there is “no clean business” here.
it misleads people and after reading it people have no dilemma whether this or that was meant. Clearly and
precisely written text is of great importance. The certainty that people have after reading the advertising text
often decides whether to click on an ad or not.

Color selection is also important. Pale colors, poor color combination, poor contrast, and poor visibility will leave
definitely a bad impression.
What you don’t want is to appear unprofessional at first glance. That’s why
you have to take care of all this. That’s why graphic designers and digital marketing often work with the same advertisement
manager. Everyone has to give their best in order for the advertisement to go well.

Choose colors well and use brand colors to make them stand out. It is important that you stay with people
in Memoriam.
They may not need you right now, but they will remember you when they need you. 🙂

Rules you must follow

A common mistake people make when advertising on Facebook that gets their ad rejected
is to focus on target group characteristics instead of product characteristics. Very often, at that
In case you offend the people you want to market your product to. In that case, everything falls into the water.

Advocacy of religious, racial, and national hatred is not allowed on the networks, so take care not to
be misunderstood by Facebook or Instagram (we believe that certainly not on purpose
you wouldn’t even do it), because it can also lead to the removal of your page.

The visual and text of the ad must always comply with the rules set by Facebook. It’s better before
you go into the world of advertising to read the rules of Facebook in detail so that your account is not blocked
for advertising.

How much money is needed to advertise?

An investment in marketing is an investment that brings you profit!

That’s what you have to keep in mind before
what do you think, you have no money to advertise

You have to determine the budget yourself in advance in order to allocate it as best as possible and be ready to spend it
you increase over time.

If you want to make money, it means that you have to find people who are interested in your product/service. That
means that you have to allocate money in order to advertise the product/service with the help of social networks.

People need to hear about your product, and they can only do that if you advertise. That’s reason enough to
start advertising. The recommendation is free and certainly means a lot to everyone when they hear that they are recommended a new customer appeared. However, today time is money. The recommendation is a good but relatively slow way
of advertising.

Advertising your website online through social networks is a quick and effective way to get your name heard
for your product ie. the service required.

So, you can have the best product in the world in terms of quality, the most beautiful packaging in which you have invested all your money
a small fortune, it will be worth nothing if people do not hear about that product.

See statistics on the number of Facebook users Here 

Use social networks, create good and high-quality advertisements, and target the audience in detail, because that’s what you need
networks provide an opportunity, determine where you want to advertise, and let your business always be ahead
of the competition. Provide your site with a visit and a good user experience for your visitors!

I hope you like this little article of mine and if anyone wants to contact me, they can leave a comment and I will try to answer as soon as possible until then I wish you success and good health 🙂 Zveki…

How to earn money while you sleep

8 thoughts on “Advertising sites online”

  1. Anyone that is into digital marketing knows how pivotal advertising is and that is why I think this is an amazing way to make money. Wealthy affiliate is one of the best performers in this field and the platform indeed offers a world class experience with an amazing community that helps you navigate your way through it.

    • Yes of course I agree that Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the best thing to start from if we are dedicated and follow the training regularly. Thank you for your comment.

  2. Hi Zveki,
    It is important to have a plan to get traffic. Many choose to use Google and generate traffic because of a limited budget. But, if you have the bankroll, advertising is definitely one way to increase your traffic. With Facebook, it is true that you need to understand the rules.
    They will not rank you highly if you are not posting regularly to their platform with good entertaining posts as well as running ads. And the ads have to comply, or you will lose your ad account. They are very strict, but also very lucrative when you get it right!

    • Yes of course I agree Facebook advertising is very good if you are regular. It depends on the budget, and how much one can afford. Google Ads ads are also a good option for more and faster traffic, in any case, you should include as many networks as possible, such as Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Thank you for your comment and I wish you success and health.

  3. Hi Zveki. Some of what you mentioned in the article reminds me about the great opportunity we missed back in the day where those that simply had websites could make an absolute killing online – no problem, as it was not close to as competitive as it is today.

    Saying that, it is of course true that many today are still making an absolute killing online but to make that killing does not come without very hard work and dedication like in the past.

    I fully agree that today you need to walk the extra mile in order to set yourself apart from the rest of the competition. Wishing you the very best of success with your online business endeavours.

    • Of course, we have to keep up with the times and be committed if we want to be successful in online business and of course above the competition if we work hard, thank you for your comment and I wish you even more success and health 🙂

  4. A great and handy article especially for people with skills or services. I agree that having a website does show that you are an authority and you know what you are doing basically.

    • Yes, of course, if we are building our brand, it is necessary to have a website, and over time, of course authority and audience, thank you for your comment and I wish you success and good health 🙂


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