Manager’s headache

Headache in digital marketing

Headache at work

Welcome, dear friends.

Managerial headache is a disease of the modern, contemporary age. Slowly, imperceptibly, she became an integral
part of the life of managers exposed to constant stress.

Managerial headaches as a consequence of successful companies’ way of doing business

Large successful companies today have impossible targets. However, in order to get closer to that goal, their
employees are exposed to a lot of pressure at different levels. From direct conversations with working managers
in various managerial positions in various companies, we can often hear that:

1. they don’t have a free weekend or haven’t had a free weekend for a long time
2. their working day lasts even after the end of working hours because the writing of the report is finished only after
the completion of regular work
3. often due to suddenly announced meetings, they have to miss pre-arranged family celebrations
even the most born
4. They are not with their family for more than seven days a month and this is repeated month after month
5. They often suffer criticism for not meeting unattainable, unrealistic goals
6. There is a lack of praise for success, that is, the achievement of success is devalued
7. They suffer Mobbing

Precisely for all these reasons, which are physical effort from which you do not have enough time to recover
you revitalize, psychological pressure and the imposition of a sense of responsibility that is constant, a long period in which
you suffer underestimation of your efforts and work, a period without motivation from superiors, and a lack of time
for the family, which expects you to devote yourself to it, leads to the creation and accumulation of stress. And there
we are, there is a managerial headache.

Unfortunately, one evil never goes alone. Neglecting other aspects of social life due to the huge
dedication to work further complicates the situation. Managers become estranged, often their families have torn apart,
and children love them less and less and give them less and less trust and attention.
But let’s first define stress.

When we say stress, we mean stress!

What is that that was once not even known about? It is a disease of the modern age.

By definition, stress is the body’s reaction to changed conditions in the external and internal environment. So
stress is not what we experience, stress is how we react, i.e. how our body reacts to stressors.
Then stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, are released.

These hormones lead to significant changes in
our organisms. Our heart beats stronger and faster, blood pressure rises, and blood goes more to our organs
the most important, such as the heart, muscles, and brain. Energy is created quickly, and reserves of fast energy are used up in the body. 


Stress has been around for a long time

So, stress activates us, but it is expected to last for a short time. In that short period, we are stronger, faster
we think, we have more strength, we are better… Stress has existed since time immemorial, since the existence of man. Stress
was supposed to prepare for escape from animals, stress was supposed to activate the warrior, activate the hunter, and draw it out the best from the body.

But, there is one big but…Stress must be short-lived because it drains quickly the reserves of the organism, after our organism, runs out of fuel, it needs a period of recovery.

My #1 recommendation.


Imagine this! Does it sound like a leisurely everyday life to you?

Managerial stress

Let’s go back to managerial stress, does it last for a short time?

No, he is constant. And imagine an organism that always works at its maximum, where hormones are always used up
by stress. A person whose heart is working rapidly, pressure is high, blood is pumped to the brain, and neck muscles are stiff and
that’s where and how the managerial headache comes from. The next problem is also important.

It’s over time the body’s tolerance to stress is getting lower and lower, it takes less time to get a headache and high pressure. Science has also given its explanation. Constant rapid consumption of energy introduces us to metabolic syndrome!

Metabolic syndrome is a precursor to diabetes, hormonal disorders,
and disorders of the thyroid gland. Along with all that, the lipid status will be disturbed, i.e. the concentration of the bad will increase cholesterol, and Bad cholesterol which, along with high blood pressure, will lead to atherosclerosis and diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

When the carotid arteries are blocked, less and less blood will reach the brain and the headaches will be stronger and more frequent.
Unfortunately, a managerial headache is a sign of severe deterioration of the organism, which ultimately results in either a myocardial infarction or a brain infarction, and these are the most common causes of early death.

Therefore, a vicious circle is created, where continuous stress creates imbalances in the body, which lead to chronic diseases, and chronic diseases lead to early death.

Differences between positive and negative stress

It is interesting to point out that there is negative stress, which we call distress, and there is positive stress, which
we call it eustress. Which is more dangerous? Both are dangerous, and managers live their lives on the edge of success
failure, eustress, and distress, which equally harm the organism.

So, stress is a trigger for many diseases, including the one we are talking about today, which is “managerial headache”. 

It is characteristic precisely for people who work in large serious companies, who are under constant mental stress as well as physical effort.

Characteristic symptoms of this disease

The symptoms are clear. A feeling of irritability, increased sweating, then insomnia, ringing in the ears, and finally
severe headache
with a feeling of stiffness in the neck and all the muscles in the body. In addition to all that, the stomach secretes more
acid, and stomach pains and heartburn occur.

Very often we do not take the symptoms of a manager’s headache seriously. Sometimes we attribute them to fatigue or
insomnia and we think they will pass by themselves.

However, all the signals your body sends you should be noticed and attended to
attention in order to prevent the consequences or prevent some more serious conditions. Actually, if a little more realistic
you look at the situation and it’s not very normal to be followed by insomnia for a long time or your hands are shaking or your heart is skipping a beat.
Therefore, pay attention to your health.

How can we prevent the emergence of managerial disease?

The solution is prevention!!! Prevention is the only thing possible to prevent the occurrence of this disease. A healthy way
of life, i.e. a correct hygiene-diet regime is what can help us. Meals must be regular, 3
main meals and 2 snacks. The period of rest and sleep is also of absolute importance. How to earn money while you sleep 

We must give the organism time to regenerate, for the action potentials of the cells to drop. It is important to take breaks at work
opportunities to find a valve that will drive away stress.

You need to manage your time and not let
time control you. Work and success at work must not be the only meaning of life because it is a source of stress.
You need to learn how to cope with stress, that is. how to avoid the body’s reaction to problems.

It is often necessary to avoid people who annoy us and to spend as much time as possible with dear people and in nature.
Frequent and short trips are the best medicine for stress and managerial headaches.

Periods, when we don’t think about work, periods when we don’t see colleagues, and everyday life, are healing. Find a hobby, devote time to it, find something you enjoy, and spend part of your day like that. In the end, the job can be changed, money is not the only prerequisite for success, success is having a healthy and balanced life.

Is managerial headache a disease that only managers suffer from?

This disease does not only affect managers. This is a disease that affects working people whose work is such that they are constantly exposed to stress and pressure. It occurs equally in men and women.

It occurs both in students and in students who cannot cope with the pressure of studying and the obligation of successful
It also occurs due to great pressure from the environment Click here

So everything that he creates in us the negative reaction of the organism leads to this disease if it lasts for a long period of time. All
these recommendations are general recommendations for a healthy and long life and we should all follow them.

Nature offers solutions

The market today is full of herbal preparations that can significantly relieve stress.

In consultation with a doctor, you can certainly find some natural preparation or dietary supplement that will relieve stress, but it won’t
lead to interference with your normal functioning.

What has been known for a long time is that certain
vitamins and minerals like magnesium
can help your body cope with stress. Magnesium gives energy, it relaxes the muscles, and it allows the heart to work efficiently.

It’s calcium equally important in all these processes. Antioxidant vitamins certainly have their place in the prevention
of managerial headaches, either from food or supplementation.

Recently, more and more people are talking about melatonin. A hormone secreted as a counter to stress hormones.
This hormone of the pineal gland, a small gland, is very important for the proper functioning of the body. He is it normally secretes when we close our eyes and thanks to it we fall asleep.

Let’s fall into a sound sleep with the rem and non-rem phase, the one that relaxes us and after which we feel rested. Cortisol is secreted against it, which wakes us up and puts us under stress. A higher amount of melatonin calms us naturally.

So preparations rich in amino acids that are precursors of melatonin, or melatonin itself that can be taken in
the form of tablets or even juice are excellent natural choices.

Science says that melatonin is an antioxidant, and at the same time
it has an anti-cancer effect and a beneficial effect on our immunity. So, it will eliminate all those unwanted sensations
and managerial diseases. A proper lifestyle, diet, periods of wakefulness, and sleep, this is the secret of life without

Are there any jobs where the management headache will not happen to you?

Many well-paid jobs today are just online jobs where the day can often pass without stress. Many of these jobs stimulate creativity, stimulate ideas, and soothe.

That’s why we can freely say that those people who enjoy their work, those who don’t have any, are very happy with additional unnecessary stress and who set their own deadlines. It is very possible today if
do some online business like digital marketing, affiliate marketing, etc.

Health is preserved while you have it and “health may not be everything, but without health everything is nothing” 🙂

Don’t forget that work is important, but health is more important! Take care of your health because health should keep it while we have it. Make an effort and provide yourself with a stress-free life, and save your health!

That’s all I would write for now in this article of mine and I hope you like the article, if anyone wants to contact me, they can leave a comment and I’ll try to answer as soon as possible. I wish you success and good health. 🙂 Zveki…

My #1 recommendation

8 thoughts on “Manager’s headache”

  1. Stress and bourn-out are severe problems of the modern society. I am not fully sure about statistics but I can imagine that at lease one in three persons with a corporate job has suffered from a burn-out at least once in their career.
    It is the work pressure that I believe is the one that pushes us to ignore our health and the signals that our body is giving us along the way. It is unfortunate that current society is one of unhealthy overachievers who want more even at the expense of their health.
    I deeply hope that can change at some point, except I am not yet sure how.

    All the best,

    • Tatiana, I agree today people are galloping towards stress and headaches. Moderation is a virtue, and we must especially listen to the alarm of our body. Physical activity and a healthy diet are necessary to be able to do any managerial job, Tatiana, done to the end and of course with quality. Here is a useful article about it. How to cure stress naturally Thank you for your comment and I wish you success and good health 🙂

  2. Hi Zveki,

    I have extensive experience of managerial headaches and managerial stress that goes back to 2005.

    I love how you describe experiences of having these stresses too and how we can find ways to relieve this stress.

    One of the ways I found to relieve this stress and think differently is by serving others. I do this through my writing, posting, videos, coaching, speaking and teaching.

    I have a goal of doing at least one thing every day that will serve and help at least one person. If I can do that then I have fulfilled my work for the day. When I do this, I don’t let stress of a job or being a manager get to me. My goal is not to meet job targets, it is to serve people.

    Thank you for sharing such an inspirational post, keep up the great work.

    All the best,


    • Tom, I agree that you can treat stress by helping someone, but it’s not bad to read here a little about how you can improve your overall health with healthy lifestyle habits. How to cure stress naturally just keep thinking positively and you can forget about stress 🙂 I wish you a successful business and good health.

  3. Hi Zvezdan, thanks for your great article on managerial stress and the managerial headaches that result from this. In my job at many times I have experienced this. I get tight muscles on the side of my head which causes headaches. I like the many remedies that you offer – vitamins and minerals, melatonin, relation tips and strategies. This is all very helpful information and I thank you sincerely. Now time to put these into action.

    • John may not be all about health, but without health everything else is nothing. Also, of all the medicines I mentioned, don’t forget about magnesium and nuts, which can give you a lot of energy to deal with stress and headaches at work. Thank you for your comment and I wish you success and good health 🙂

  4. Zvezdan, You have made an excellent case here for the management of stress, which is extremely harmful to anyone that is affected by it. Your approach is very orderly and easy to read for the most part. Your point is well made. The cure for the stress is well put and easy to understand from your explanation. 

    I would however advise you to check the final draft for any awkwardness that can occur in the assembling of the work.

    The overall article was well researched and very impactful and should prove very helpful. You appear to be a person that will make a positive impact in this stressful world of work.

    • I agree that in the following articles I will write in more detail about the final draft and various inconveniences, but I see that you like the article and how we can relieve stress naturally. Thank you for your comment.


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