Internet marketing funnel

The best internet marketing funnel for your potential clients

Welcome, dear friends, today we can talk about what is the best internet marketing funnel for potential clients. So, to get started this is another good marketing strategy that all successful online entrepreneurs must have. 🙂

This process can turn your contacts into regular customers who will continue to work with you in the future. Some technical skills are required here which I will explain in the rest of this article.

There are several tools in internet marketing that will turn your prospects into real customers. By gradually attracting them step by step to be connected with each other and in this way introduce your brand to them.

Of course, you will never immediately offer something to sell them, but over time, when they gain confidence in you and your relevant offer, which they will not be able to refuse, it will be mutually beneficial. 🙂

Therefore, you can simply imagine the sales funnel in the same way as when you want to pour milk, juice, or something else into a container, without it spilling. Up at the top, the funnel is wide and gets narrower at the end, that’s how it looks the easiest way to explain when it finally focuses and pours in one place without spilling. 🙂

Important items of the marketing funnel

1. Awareness

If potential clients see this kind of offer, they become aware that they can solve their problems if they find you on the Internet or some social networks and thus find out about your products.

2. Interest

This item is very important when your potential clients become interested in your products and regularly follow you online on social networks, and of course, become your subscribers who want to cooperate with you because they have an interest in your brand.

3. Consideration

At this stage, your prospects are still considering your products and recommendations because you got them interested and are now considering what might be best for them to make a decision and of course buy something from your recommendations.

4. Intent

They will have a certain intention when you highlight a certain product with the intention of solving their problems etc…

5. Evaluation

Of course, this will evolve when they start taking action and will be in a narrowed circle when they finally make a decision and become your regular customers over time who will have confidence in you and the quality offers that they used from you.

So, the beginning of your sales funnel is the broadest part where your customers will learn and view all of these items in turn. It can be various PDF formats, gifts, and useful content that will lead your customers to the landing page and take action. 🙂

E-mail marketing advertising

So, if you want as many potential real clients as possible, you need to constantly advertise.

Internet marketing funnel you can fill your funnel with potential customers only if they find out about you and your relevant offers that they absolutely need.

When it comes to your ideas, you and your creativity will choose the way you will do it, you just need to take action and choose the best ways, which can be various links that lead to your relevant articles about it or Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or whatever else you choose, you have literally countless options and possibilities on how to advertise your marketing funnel.

Quality content is what will attract your clients, and your website and blog will be your identification of where you exist and where you market your quality offers that your potential clients will not be able to refuse. 🙂

Somewhere in the middle of the sales funnel, you start building your relationship with your potential clients and of course, getting to know them better. By regularly sending them valuable and useful information that they can use for their needs and so on and so forth.

If you don’t have a website and a blog, then everything goes much slower with presentations, sales, and offers that your customers can’t see as quickly as, for example, when you have a well-designed website and your logo that identifies your brand.

This is my number one 1 recommendation. Wealthy Affiliate. On this platform, you can literally set up everything you need step by step in easy steps if you join for free, to begin with.

This is absolutely legit and by far the best platform in the world that can change your life by making you a lifetime passive income if you follow the training regularly.

You will also set up an opt-in form on your website through which your customers will sign up and receive important new relevant notifications from you on a regular basis.

You just have to understand that your job is to help your clients thrive in their online business and that they also successfully build their brand.

The difference between the upper and lower part of the funnel

The difference is when you gain some trust from your customers between the top and bottom of the funnel. The main point of the marketing funnel is to separate the percentage of people who will constantly buy from you.

So when you start building the funnel from the top to the middle, you work hard to get your clients to trust you and stay with you. When we say the bottom of the funnel, we clearly mean loyal customers and a percentage that is constantly the same or increasing.

Estimate that about 25% or 30% percent leave this stream. That is why it is necessary to constantly renew advertising and new registration of new users to maintain some balance. This onboarding of new customers happens in the middle of the sales funnel.

Let’s give an example, if you have about 5000 visits per week on your site for half a year or six (6) months, expect that about 2% or 3% will sign up for your newsletter within one week. So let’s say 3% of 5,000 is 150 people, and out of that count, that half will stay with you as regular clients.

This process starts from the middle to the bottom where you will finally know the true percentage of your regular customers. In order to turn your potential clients into permanent long-term collaborators, you need a lot of traffic on the site and a clear call to action, and speaking of action, you can read it in detail in one of my previous articles. Create a call to action

 So, when you want to build the best internet marketing funnel, it is necessary to apply a certain strategy and a clear road map, while firmly holding the compass in your hands that will lead you to the desired goal. Ask your customers to help you help them and show them the right solution for their needs. 🙂

Remember just one fact your earnings are brought to you only by those clients who have confidence in you and your brand, and when it comes to the brand you can also read that in one of my previous articles here Branding strategy 

There is various software for e-mail marketing on the Internet today, but my recommendation and the best option for both beginners and others GetResponse there are other options, but in my opinion, this is the real machine when it comes to email marketing.

So now it’s clearer to everyone how the sales flow of the marketing funnel basically works and how we have to follow which steps, you saw that there are several stages that need to be passed through.

This process is not easy at all, but when you finally start and you see positive results over time, you will see your website traffic grow along with your new potential clients and of course your constant sales.

Of course, with a certain marketing strategy and patience, you have to achieve results, and above in the article above I have given you my number one recommendation 1 which you will in easy steps if you sign up for free here Wealthy Affiliate see for yourself the whole procedure of how you can become a marketing expert over time if you follow regular training, and you also have the support of many experts 24/7 that this platform offers.

So the fact is that there is a lot of competition when it comes to affiliate or e-mail marketing, but there is always a way to stand out from the competition if you have the right tools and the right software with which you can achieve your dreams if you have a strong desire and goal of course. 🙂

I have so much to write for now thank you for taking some time to read this article and now I would like to hear from you how much you like this post if anyone wants to contact me please leave a comment and I will try to answer as soon as possible. I wish you success in the near future and good health 🙂 Zveki.


6 thoughts on “Internet marketing funnel”

  1. You have really highlighted key pointers to a marketing funnel. This by far the most important aspect of any online business and every business owner needs to pay close attention to this funnel. As you rightly said it is vital to keep engaging with your subscribers and keep providing them valuable content that helps them in solving their problem – If every online marketer can strive to achieve this then I am quite sure they will run a successful online business

    • Yes, of course, as I stated in the article, it is necessary from the beginning, middle, and end of this funnel to inform your potential clients with content, information, and the latest changes that will satisfy their needs. Thanks for your comment and I wish you success and good health 🙂

  2. Hi Zveki, You are spot on for the most part. Almost 3 years for me now since I started doing marketing and the main thing you want is either people on your email list or following you on social media. Preferably email is best because you can retarget people. I think a lot of people don’t even think too much about earning commissions through their blog posts. If they can get people to engage with them over a period of time this is much better. Still trying to get this down myself at moment – think CTAs, Lead Capture elements, and extra traffic is what I need but know that’s only the start as you need to create a funnel that converts. I see some people that do solo ads use OTO’s one-time offers so once their lead has signed up they direct to an offer to buy something for $1 or $2 like something small and just use that to buy more solo ads. Not tried it yet successfully but seems like a good idea I think.

    • As I wrote in the article for this business you need a little strategy, time and if you regularly send relevant content to your potential customers then they will have confidence in you and your products that will solve their problems and of course, they will continue cooperation with your brand 🙂 Thank you for your comment and I wish you success and good health.

  3. Hey Zveki. Thanks for this post about email marketing and sales funnels. I think for many bloggers, it is still intimidating to start sending emails, especially if the niche or topic you write about isn’t related to directly selling something. I think it is also quite time-consuming, especially if as a blogger you are alone. What would you recommend to someone who is a blogger by himself and has no one on the team, but would like to keep a cadence of 4 posts per week? 8 hours per blog post, that’s about full-time job time. Are there any recommended, legal and legit short-cuts?

    • Of course Julius there is a shortcut if you can’t achieve everything yourself you can hire a copywriter to do the content, and text for you it is absolutely legal and can save you a lot of time if you want to reach the goal of four posts a week and of course, coordinate all this as agreed with your copywriter and your budget. 🙂


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