How to make passive income in 2022

The best ideas for passive income

Hello friends you are welcome as always 🙂 let’s talk a little about how to make passive income in 2022 which ideas are the best and how to start and generate passive income?

So, to get started, in the rest of this article, I will give several examples of the easiest and fastest way to start with passive income so that money literally works for you 🙂 How to earn money while you sleep 

We simply have to know that life is short, and once we start with this kind of income, we will of course have more time for our close family, friends, relatives, etc…

We must be aware of the fact that we live in such a poisoned environment where every day we waste time on various useless information that distracts us from focusing on achieving the goal.

Right from the start, you have to be prepared that this type of passive income requires some time and dedication. Some of your friends may even get mad at you if you are not able to hang out with them like before, but in time it will all fall into place when you set everything right to make the money work for you and your time 🙂

1. Get rid of debts if you have any outstanding debts or loans, it can be a serious obstacle in your journey to earn passive income. Below I recommend reading this amazing book on how to beat debt and know that debt is a bad friend 🙂 Money Rules Rule Your Will

2. Start a blog and start making money from your blog. You don’t have to be a born writer, this is not rocket science, you just need the will, patience, and persistence to choose an area (niche) to write about, and to have continuous inspiration over time until you start making money from your blog.

If you don’t know where to start now feel free to click here to learn step by step to passive income 

3. Savings maybe you are bored with this part. savings, but this is a very important item and one of the necessary virtues when starting a lifetime passive income.

Many times in life we have heard from our parents that you must save money or you have read many wise quotes like this one “Don’t save what’s left after you spend, spend what’s left after saving” Voren Buffet.

Just as we have to change some bad lifestyle habits to be healthier, we also have to change bad money habits 🙂 Therefore, we must be prepared for various unforeseen expenses that may happen to us, but if we plan our budget and introduce into our life a good habit called “saving” it does not matter if it is a piggy bank, a safe in the wall, a straw box or something else where we will keep the saved money? 🙂

Now you are probably clear when you are looking for a way how to make passive income in 2022 why the saving habit is necessary so that you can avoid various obstacles that can slow down your progress towards your goal of generating passive income.

4. Fatllama Rent your belongings this is another great idea when it comes to passive income and this way you can earn over $1000 per month over time. How does this work? Quite simply, there are many people who look for things online without having to pay full price and which they will need in a short period of time.

Here you can rent various things and earn passive income, for example

  • Camera
  • Machines and various household appliances
  • Fashionable bags and purses
  • Electric scooter

You can make a big list and rent literally anything you want

5. Rent a warehouse warehouse 

If you have a warehouse or some empty space, you can rent it to various small and large companies. This way of earning has suddenly become popular in the last two, and three years since the pandemic and now.

It happens everywhere in the world, but again it depends if your geographical location meets these conditions and demands, then feel free to go for this job where you can earn a minimum of around $1000 per month. For more details and information see Here

So, what does passive income mean? Passive income is where you start your own business that can make your dreams come true, but I must mention that it is not an easy path and requires serious dedication and hard work that will pay off later.

How you can earn at least $1000 in passive income per month

Write and sell an eBook

You have various sites where you can write and create a book in pdf format

  • Canva Here you can do whatever you want for free, you have a free trial period, so you can see for yourself what possibilities you have for your brand and various projects that come to your mind, and of course, you have a passive monthly income later.
  • GetResponse This is also a very powerful email marketing tool where you also get a free trial and a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to best write an email book and various other valuable opportunities where you can earn a decent monthly income.

Online course

  • Ambassador, Here you can see in more detail how and in what way you can make a video for an online course that you will monetize later

You need to spend a little more time, in the beginning, to do good marketing for the e-book, but in time this amazing way of earning will pay off. Today, digital products are popular on the Internet. 

So, if you want to find out what all the possibilities the internet allows us today and how to make passive income in 2022, read below.  best way to make money online 2022

Passive income has obviously taken on a different definition today. If you want to start with passive income and start from scratch, and you already have a decent budget, you can buy an already developed job and let the professionals do the rest of the work for you.

See this site in detail aubizbuysell here you have literally everything to buy or sell according to your budget. 🙂 It’s simple just enter the option to buy a business or sell a business and the money works for you 🙂

Charge virtual assistant services

The job of a virtual assistant is very popular and in demand today. You can work remotely with multiple clients at once and choose the jobs that suit you best according to your talents and ability to provide services that meet the needs of your clients.

And, the limits are unlimited when your business starts to grow and is only progressing every day. Just keep reading this text written for you. Below I’ll give some examples of where you can get started with a virtual assistant job.

  • In graphic design you can design various business cards, logos, various sales slips, and so on, you have a lot of work to do here.
  • Marketing advertising Every serious company needs advertising, for example, advertising on social networks Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, youtube, and so on. Just follow the needs of your customers and suggest to them the best offers they can’t refuse 🙂
  • Customer service assistant this is a great option for many companies and in addition to social networks you can contact via e-mail messages, directly by phone, or through the website, if someone likes to communicate with people this is a great opportunity and income for a virtual assistant 🙂
  • The administration of this type of work is great when it comes to auditing, setting deadlines, and systems, basically, these are the big work functions that a virtual assistant can do.
  • Client recruitment this service is essential for open positions in certain places such as LinkedIn and pre-screening, taking interviews for potential clients, and so on.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) this type of work is very popular lately, especially when it comes to websites. This system increases the traffic and places your clients above the competition and increases the target audience, and then your clients have more earnings and of course a much better online business in the future. So, if you know this business, you can start and you will literally have more and more referrals and work over your head, and of course, a great earning potential.

These are just some examples of how to make passive income in 2022 🙂 my number one recommendation 1 is located on this platform Wealthy Affiliate 

That’s all from me, for now, how do you like the article 🙂 and I hope that someone managed to find themselves in this article and find a solution for their successful business in the near future.

If anyone wants to contact me, you can leave me a comment, and I will do my best to answer as soon as possible I wish you much success and good health 🙂 Zveki…

6 thoughts on “How to make passive income in 2022”

  1. Hey Zveki,

    Your articles are so helpful for people, especially these days.

    In the UK we are going through a cost of living crisis and people need help with their bills and financial situations.

    Passive income ideas may be the way to do this. So, I am going to share your article with a few friends of mine who are also struggling with their cost of living and hopefully they can utilise one or two of your ideas and help themselves.

    Thank you for sharing and keep up the amazing articles.

    All the best,


    • Thank you for your comment I wish you and your friends a successful online journey, and of course, I will continue with the articles 🙂 I wish you good health 🙂

  2. Hey, Zveki, thank you for this article!
    I want to add that friends don’t get mad at you because you can’t hang out with them, but because you are not the same as you were before, you change your life and priorities. When you start earning much more than before or much more than them, you remind them that they are not doing anything to reach your level but are staying in their comfort zone. That’s why they get mad: they can’t stand that they are not taking any steps forward. However, in most cases, it won’t make them take action. Instead, they will try to pull you back down. Honorable exceptions. In the end, it isn’t that you can’t hang out with them. It is that you may not want to hang out with them anymore.

    I’ve strayed a bit from the main topic of this article, but people need to be aware of certain risks when things like this start happening. As crazy as it sounds, this is why some people don’t take action on making passive income. They’re scared of losing “friends.”

    When it comes to the options you’ve mentioned in this article, it is incredible how many opportunities we have. I have to note that some of them are not that passive. For example, being a virtual assistant is quite an active job. You just work remotely for anyone from around the globe.

    Also, starting a blog and creating valuable content on that blog is an active job until it starts producing more money. But even after that, you must maintain the website and keep giving value. Selling eBooks, courses, and similar is also an active job. 😀 The truth is that you can delegate all that one day so that it becomes semi-passive. I feel obligated to emphasize that making passive income doesn’t mean money comes even if you don’t do anything.

    • Yes, of course, when it comes to friends and socializing, people are vain, and I really try not to hurt them, but everything will fall into place over time when I have more time. Regarding passive income, you are right, but I didn’t even think that you don’t have to do anything at all, at least not to the same extent as when you are employed with a fixed working time of eight hours. When we say passive income, I mean investing effort or no effort over time when you get to the point where money is sitting in your account while you sleep 🙂 I deviated a little from the topic when I wrote about the virtual assistant and maybe somewhere else, but let it be semi-passive over time. I’m mostly referring to passive income in general and I’m glad you got my message and what I’m trying to say. 🙂 Thank you for your comment and I wish you a successful passive income in the near future and of course good health 🙂

  3. I am amazed by the number of options available for creating a passive income stream. I am excited to start implementing some of these strategies and see how they work for me..

    It’s given me something to think about as I look for ways to earn extra money. Passive income can be a great way to supplement your income, and it can be a lot less work than a traditional job.

    There are a lot of different ways to make passive income, so there’s likely something that will fit your interests and skills. If you’re looking for ways to make extra money, I encourage you to explore the possibilities. It could be a great way to earn extra money and achieve your financial goals. Thanks for this post.

    • Yes, of course, the internet today offers us great earning opportunities if we use it properly and find the right things in accordance with our talents. You just need to focus and be careful not to lose your compass from excessive wandering and searching. Thank you for your comment and I wish you success and good health 🙂


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